For Ukrainians, this is not something new, but it will probably be interesting for those who live abroad. Most likely, watching the news on TV or reading them on the Internet, it seems for many people that what is happening in Ukraine is far and does not concern them directly. Probably, some people may think that the descriptions of the horrors that occur at the end of the first quarter of the 21st century are figments of propaganda, but this is a wrong conclusion, and here’s why.
From my own experience, I can say that information outside of Ukraine is extremely pared-down and smoothed out. Thus, the leading social networks like Twitter and Facebook block the accounts that publish photos or videos of real events or the consequences of the actions of the Russian army on the territory of Ukraine. Messages explaining the reasons for the blocking state that the images have “sensitive content”. Yes, the images do contain not just sensitive, but terrible nature.
Obviously, torn and mutilated bodies do not look aesthetically pleasing, and this can be shocking. But this is only a small part of what is actually happening. These are not staged shots and trust me, a lot of things simply are not simply captured into the photo and video. In fact, there are even worse than the photos you see. But let’s look at the reaction of social networks and ask ourselves a simple question: what will happen to all of us if we do not want to see what is really happening?
Is the depiction of death in the form of torn bodies, murdered children, or simply scattered remains, worse than what is actually happening? And judging by the reaction of many governments and large world-famous companies, this is exactly so. Many of them continue to work in a country that has been continuously bringing death in different countries of the world for a decade and a half. The leaders of some countries say that business is more important for them and they cannot give up profits for the sake of a decisive break in relations with the bloody regime.
Probably, being thousands of kilometers away from these events, people think differently, and even more so, they are sure that nothing like this can come to their home, but this is exactly what their ancestors thought in 1939. They did not want to believe that the war would come to the threshold of their home and begin its bloody swath with their relatives and friends this time. And everything happened in this way for the same reason – people did not want to see the bloody, cruel truth and put their material interests above universal human values. All this ended with the Second World War, and now humanity is following the same path, watching Ukraine bleed.
Today we are fighting not only for our land and for our home, we are doing it for you, who helps us, and for you, who does not want to hear about it and is ready to complain about us when we try to show what is happening here. We do this for you, who are not ready to fight an enemy that surpasses us in numbers and equipment. By the way, we are doing this for you, a citizen of France, whose country had been arming Russia for the 8 years of the war in Ukraine more than anyone else, even more than Germany.
We remind you that your country had a military force and population comparable to Germany in 1940, but it was able to resist it for only a month and a half. At the same time, the country was not alone, but Great Britain fought on its side. Ukraine is fighting alone and thanks to everyone for their help, but we are alone because no one dared to stand with us in this fight. We have already survived three weeks and have no doubts about our victory, and the only question is the price we will pay for it. And you should be aware that Russia had plans to attack not only Ukraine. Its officials spoke openly about their intention to reach Warsaw and Berlin, but we stopped them in Ukraine.
Think about it and decide for yourself whether it is time to look at what is happening with sober eyes? If you succeed, explain it to your government. And we will fight with all our might for ourselves and for you, no matter what you decide.
We shall overcome
“Мы победим/преодолеем”
Keep calm and burn fucking invaders.
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!
Жестокая правда.