How did you sleep this night? Were you comfortable? Was it warm for you? Calm? We are happy for you and wish that death does not come to you the way it came to us. We are Ukraine, one of the most peaceful countries in the world. We voluntarily renounced nuclear weapons and disarmed our army to such a state that it already had a purely symbolic meaning. We did this because we live in Europe and we thought that the largest countries in Europe and the world would not allow a war here. But then the war began, and it became total.
It did not start on February 24, but much earlier. The war was in Chechnya, Georgia and Syria, where Russia did the same thing: receiving defeats from the army of its opponents, it was proceeding to the annihilation of the civilian population. And it is done systematically, according to a well-established technology. The targets are always schools, hospitals and vital infrastructure. This is done in order to make the life of the civilian population unbearable and to break the will to resist.
Putin, like any criminal, acts as he is allowed, and he was allowed to commit his crimes many times and now he does not understand why this time it surprises someone. What he is doing now, he explained in detail to Europe in Munich back in 2007, but back then no one paid attention to it. And then he told his plans for the World War III. But all these 15 years, Europe and the World have been giving Russia the opportunity to arm itself in order to start implementing this plan.
Currently many people are saying that direct participation in the war on the side of Ukraine can lead to the start of the World War III, but the truth is that it has already begun, just many do not want to admit it to themselves. Putin has already announced war on a number of countries in Eastern Europe and nuclear strikes on Western Europe and the United States. Do you think he was joking? Then see how these jokes look today in Ukraine, and you will understand what awaits you tomorrow.
Now only Ukraine stands between the top of the insane Russian government and the civilized world. Our army and volunteers are destroying the aggressor’s army, which he has been saving for 15 years to capture Europe. The war is going on throughout the territory of Ukraine, since all its major cities are being subjected to missile and air strikes. The scale of this war can be seen on this map.
We will keep fighting with everything we can, and we believe in our victory. But why did you decide that your peaceful sleep will remain the same tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? Who told you this? In 1938, after negotiations between the leaders of France and Britain with Hitler, British Prime Minister Arthur Neville Chamberlain made a statement that included the following: “I have returned from Germany with peace for our time.” The peace lasted less than one year, and the World War II began, claiming tens of millions of lives. Now the leaders of many countries repeat similar words. Just think about this.
How did you sleep this night? Were you comfortable? Was it warm for you? Calm? Unfortunately, at that time Ukraine, bleeding, was providing you with this peaceful sleep. We will win, no doubt. But how will you look in our face? How will you look into each other’s eyes if you don’t do what you have to do?
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