These US presidential elections have become one of the most important events in the history of the country. Perhaps they indicated that the only superpower decided to relinquish this status and begin the process of degradation. What matters here is that this happened not under the influence of deforming external circumstances, like an unsuccessful war, but solely due to internal processes.
For more than two centuries, the US has been a unique phenomenon of state building, when the country managed to create itself almost from the ground up and do exactly as it was intended, and not how it could be done at that time. Most modern democracies arose from the ruins of monarchies, based on their negative experience.
The United States was a colony of Great Britain, and therefore the processes of state-building arose over there literally from scratch, which was the moment of the declaration of its independence. Moreover, in the document proclaiming independence, the principles were indicated on which the new state is being created. It was a revolutionary decision, the essence of which was the building of a state on new principles that no one had ever tried on such a scale.
In other words, the United States took a path that no modern state had followed before, and this was a path into the unknown. Now we know that the principles were chosen correctly, and the ways of their implementation were wise. In the process of its formation, the United States reevaluated its place in this world several times, but the internal principles remained approximately the same as they are described in the Declaration of Independence.
Gradually, the political system of the state took a bipartisan form and each of the two parties performed its unique role. While one, which is now called the Democratic Party, constantly absorbed new trends and developments, sometimes useful, sometimes not entirely, in particular, a number of leftist ideas; the second party, which is now known as the Republican Party, played a stabilizing and conservative role.
That means that the Democrats were constantly on the lookout for something new, and the Republicans compared this with the traditions and fundamental principles of the United States, leaving the useful and brushing aside the adverse and suspicious. This tandem turned out to be extremely beneficial since the country did not lose the spirit of innovation and quickly responded to the inevitable changes in the world that occurred over time.
It was this combination that made it possible for the country to go through the necessary metamorphoses and be the most progressive country in the world. That is to say, the two-party system of the country’s political structure and the alternation of parties at the top of power have created a country equal to which history has not known in terms of influence and power. And the last elections led to its destruction.
The Republican Party is collapsing before our eyes, and it is already obvious that it is unable to fulfill its historical function. Moreover, representatives of the Republican Party themselves speak about this. The party has lost its conservatism and claims credit for this.
“I think it is the biggest question in American politics right now. Does the party continue down the path of Trump’s worldview or does it recalibrate as a more traditional conservative party?” said GOP strategist Alex Conant, who worked for Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-Fla.)”
Thus, the Republicans themselves say that the party has undergone dramatic and probably irreversible changes, which will inevitably lead to a change in the balance of the two-party system. But what is the most alarming is the following assessment of the situation.
“ ‘He absolutely has shifted the party, fundamentally, in a good way,” said Brad Blakeman, who served on the senior staff in former President George W. Bush’s White House.’ ”
It is worth noting that the Republican Party looked most powerful during President Reagan’s two terms. This is the opinion of the majority of political scientists who tried to assess the state of the Republican Party. Not surprisingly, after two terms of President Ronald Reagan, President George W. Bush was elected by inertia.
And right now, taking into account the current opinion of Republicans that Trump changed the party for the better, just imagine how Ronald Reagan would react if he were alive. Especially Trump’s weird relationship with Putin, a former KGB officer. And besides, no one can even consider a comparison of the legacy of Reagan and Trump. This raises the question of who is better off with this state of the Republican Party.
For those who still believe that Trump is moving the US forward, we suggest you reread everything about Monroe Doctrine. This needs to be read carefully in order to see a lot of what President Trump is doing now, described in this doctrine, starting with the theory of isolationism.
This means that Trump does not have any new ideas, he is trying to stop the evolutionary development of the United States and return it at least 200 years ago, at the time when the doctrine was announced, and possibly even earlier. Judging by the way he maintains the segregation of society by skin color and gender, he is ready to dog even further. And judging by the fact that he has already tested the elements of dictatorship, his ideals lie in the times before the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. It is obvious that he is already burdened by the principles of the change of power or the equality of all US citizens before the law.
He openly renounces democratic principles and the Conservative Party, which should be like a watchdog of foundations and traditions, has already ceased to carry out its main function and it supports Trump in his destructive actions.
Those who support Trump should also think about the fact that, unexpectedly, the Republican and Democratic parties have changed places and now the Democrats are defending traditions. And this means that if the process of transformation of the Republican Party is irreversible or already completed, then the US that we knew before 2016 does no longer and will not exist.
Классная статья…Это для думающих?
Для думающих на английском. 🙂
Хорошее начинание!
теперь осталось дождаться гражданской войны,и отделить север от юга…
От вас иного не ждал!
вы крайне недалёкий…
если бы ээто было не так,то вы бы поняли сарказм. горький,но сарказм.
потому как если трансформация республиканцев уже произошла,то остаётся только гражданская бойня.
закон там уже не работает.
и я совсем не уверен,что Байдену удастся вернуть всё в нормальное русло,ибо открыть ящик Пандоры просто,вот только взад не отыграешь!
Florida no es un sándwich!
Чудово перекладається Ґуґл-перекладачем.
What matters here is that this happened not under the influence of deforming external circumstances, like an unsuccessful war, but solely due to internal processes.
Well, how is that? The entire reign of Putin is, in fact, not a declared hybrid world war against the Western system of values. Its active phase began after Putin’s famous Munich speech. Yes, we do not see now a global war in its classical sense. All the same, the twenty-first century is in the yard. But this does not negate the fact that there is a global impact. Now everyone in the world understands that even more can be achieved by word, or rather by propaganda, than by (not) / conventional war. Therefore, it turns out that there is nothing new under the Sun, and the world is developing in a spiral. Only the current villains are waging a war differently, this is a virtual war. Well, the crown of this war is not the seizure of the enemy’s territory, but the seizure of the consciousness of the population, the state, the object of aggression. And, as it turned out, the good old ones came out on top in such a war; bribery, also known as corruption, and the introduction to leading positions in the state as an object of aggression; either bribed or recruited characters, who then act according to the algorithm to the desired aggressor. And what comes from the minds of members / sympathizers of the Republican Party is the result of the villains’ conquest of the consciousness of these people.
Здесь важно то, что это произошло не под влиянием деформирующих внешних обстоятельств, таких как неудачная война, а исключительно благодаря внутренним процессам.
Ну как же так? Все правление Путина , это и есть, фактически, не объявленная гибридная мировая война против западной системы ценностей. Активная ее фаза началась после знаменитой Мюнхенской речи Путина. Да, мы не видим сейчас глобальной войны в ее классическом понимании. Все таки двадцать первый век на дворе. Но это не отменяет того, что глобальное воздействие есть. Сейчас все в мире понимают, что словом, а вернее пропагандой, можно достичь даже больше, чем (не)/конвенционной войной. Поэтому, выходит так, что нет ничего нового под Солнцем, и мир развивается по спирали. Только нынешние негодяи ведут войну по другому, это война виртуальная. Ну а венцом этой войны, есть не захват территории противника, а захват сознания населения, государства, объекта агрессии. И, как выяснилось, на первое место в такой войне вышли старые добрые; подкуп, он же коррупция, и внедрение на ведущие должности в государстве объекте агрессии; либо подкупленных, либо завербованных персонажей, которые потом действуют по алгоритму нужному агрессору. А то, что происходит из умами членов/симпатиков республиканской партии, это и есть результат завоевания негодяями сознания этих людей.
Jolly good idea. Make Defence Line bilingual, spread the message world-wide.
Не помню у кого, видел такую мысль о консерваторах и лейбористах (имелась в виду тоже двухпартийная система, только в Великобритании): политика консерваторов работате на экономику, обеспечивая ее подъем и наполнение казны, которое потом проедают своими социальными программами лейбористы. Этим и объясняется чередование. Это касается и США, и вроде под этими же лозунгами шел на свои первые выборы Трамп. Только вот исполнитель подкачал как личность. И в этом вина партии, что она не смогла тогда найти достойного кандидата. А сейчас уже сыграло роль желание остаться у власти, поэтому закрыли глаза на то что “а наш король-то голый”. Надеюсь, убедившись, что в это раз не прокатило, республиканцы все-таки найдут себе достойного лидера.
Самое интересное, что именно демократы поднимают экономику и при демократах минимальный бюджетный дефицит. Последний профицит бюджета как раз был при Клинтоне.
Они в принципе себя так и позиционируют – финансовые консерваторы и социальные либералы. А республиканцы получаются наоборот.
Більш точного і лаконічно формулювання я ще не чув.
Та й про вплив правлячої партії на бюджет для мене відкриття!
НарештI дочекались!